The Kyle Pease Foundation

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State of The Kyle Pease Foundation - COVID19

These are interesting times for us all.  Local businesses, large businesses and non-profits like us. We've seen our own inboxes and we know that many are already in need.  We think about this in terms of racing, what we all experience when we are out on course together.  There are moments for us all when we aren't sure if we can keep going, if we want to keep going or why we should even keep going.  Then someone offers an encouraging word, a cheer from afar or the energy is just felt from somewhere else.

One of our favorite moments from the Ironman World Championship occurred far after we had crossed the finish line.  It was after we were home and we started hearing stories of how people saw us finish.  Some stayed up until 3:30 in the morning when we crossed the finish line on the eastern seaboard.  Some set alarms and others just slept and woke up to see what social media had to offer.  Whatever it was we felt that energy, truly felt it.  Late in the run were some of the darkest moments we've had in racing.  We both wanted to quit...we both weren't sure if we could keep going or what it was all for.  It goes beyond that, the suffering was worth it, the moments we struggled made the finish line that much better.  Coming home to hear how people digested those moments were some of the special moments that we got to relive again.

So as we all figure out our new normal, know that we at KPF are in a good spot today.  We are incredibly thankful to our generous donors and our leadership which have us in a position to continue on until we can race again.  So we aren't deep on the run course right now looking for your energy, but others are.  We really miss racing, we really miss the social interaction, and yes we even miss suffering on the back end of 140.6 miles of racing.  There are some though that need our energy, need YOUR energy.  So we encourage you as you stay home and spend a little less on going out, or that latte you got every Friday, to spend a little more on those in need.  Perhaps it's the local food bank or another non profit.  Perhaps it's the non profit you haven't even thought of.  Just imagine them being towards the end of their race and how positive that energy will feel when they see that small gift from you.

The energy we felt from everyone cheering from afar is something we have learned from many of our past races.  It's important, it matters, it makes those steps a tad easier.  Think about how you can make someone else's steps a little bit easier during these troubling times.

We are proud to call on your support, thankful for all you've allowed us to do and we look forward to doing it all again...soon! Together WE Wheel....AGAIN.