The Kyle Pease Foundation

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Resolution Run & Kicking off 10th Year

The Kyle Pease Foundation is turning 10!  Wow, a whole decade of getting to do what we love with people that have become family.  Words can’t fully express the gratitude and joy this brings to me and so many others. 

In 2011 we sat in a borrowed Board Room trying to figure out how to recruit our first athlete and how to serve our community.  Little did I know that my dream would go this far. KPF has sent teams across the country to race in MA, CA, UT, FL, WI, FL, PA, and HI.  We supported 65 teams for The Publix Atlanta Half Marathon in 2020 and we know the best is yet to come!

My dream of making KPeasey exceptional has become a reality.  I give full credit to those who make up our KPeasey Family: our Executive Director, Board of Directors, volunteers, donors, partners, and most importantly, the athletes we serve and their families. While the road hasn’t always been easy, we have learned Together WE Wheel makes a difference!

On January 2nd, we kicked off our 10 year anniversary with a Resolution Run. Thanks to our amazing partners at the Atlanta Track Club, we gathered with purpose to start the year off together in a beautiful way on the Silver Comet Trail.  Smiles were felt by every athlete, every volunteer, and spectator.  It was an honor to be back out with our KPeasey family and generating the momentum of great things to come.

Stay tuned in 2021 for exciting things with the Foundation, highlights of our team members, volunteers, and more!  We can’t wait to see all of the adventures this year brings and for our BIG 10 Year Anniversary Celebration in June. 

I am thankful for the journey that has brought us all here today.  

Together We Definitely Will Wheel!   
