Walking with KPeasey 2011
Welcome to 2011, we hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. I wanted to get out this announcement to everyone about some exciting news for 2011. After some initial discussions with close friends, we have decided to kick off Kyle's newest venture with some races out on the open road (read more about Kyle on his website www.kylepease.org). With a tremendous THANKS to our title sponsor, Tri Kids, Inc., www.trikidsinc.org, we have entered Kyle in two races this spring. The first race will be the Georgia Publix 13.1 half marathon, http://georgiamarathon.com/ He will be racing with his twin brother, Evan, and accompanied by myself on March 20, 2011. We would love all the support we can get so please consider either signing up to join us on the journey or coming out in support on race day.
The second race we have entered Kyle in is the St. Anthony's Olympic Triathlon http://www.satriathlon.com/ on May 1, 2011. In this race, Kyle will be swimming and biking with myself and joined by Evan for the run portion. A special thanks to Dynamo, http://www.dynamomultisport.com, and Head Coach Matthew Rose, who will be helping Kyle and I prepare for this race. Freedom Concepts has signed on to help construct a custom bike that Kyle and I will use on race day http://www.freedomconcepts.com/. Lastly, we want to thank Witzlib Studio Fitness who has signed on to assist with some strength and core training in preparation for race day, http://www.witzlibfitnessstudio.com/.
We would love to have additional support while racing in St. Anthony's. If you can make it to St. Petersburg for the race, we will keep you posted on hotel locations. You can check the race website for hotel recommendations, but we will update those interested once a location is selected for the Kpeasey team. Keep an eye out for some event dates later this spring with KPeasey to help get the message out.
We will be updating training progress and race updates via facebook, twitter and Kyle's Blog. For more information, please follow:
Twitter: @kpeasey1, @evpease, and @bpeas9
Blog: http://kpeasey.blogspot.com/
Facebook: Walking With KPeasey (This site is not completed, but be on the lookout for updates.)
web: www.kylepease.org
Thanks for all the support along the way and we are really looking forward to some great, fun racing. Additionally, please help spread the word and forward this message around.
Walking With KPeasey Team
The second race we have entered Kyle in is the St. Anthony's Olympic Triathlon http://www.satriathlon.com/ on May 1, 2011. In this race, Kyle will be swimming and biking with myself and joined by Evan for the run portion. A special thanks to Dynamo, http://www.dynamomultisport.com, and Head Coach Matthew Rose, who will be helping Kyle and I prepare for this race. Freedom Concepts has signed on to help construct a custom bike that Kyle and I will use on race day http://www.freedomconcepts.com/. Lastly, we want to thank Witzlib Studio Fitness who has signed on to assist with some strength and core training in preparation for race day, http://www.witzlibfitnessstudio.com/.
We would love to have additional support while racing in St. Anthony's. If you can make it to St. Petersburg for the race, we will keep you posted on hotel locations. You can check the race website for hotel recommendations, but we will update those interested once a location is selected for the Kpeasey team. Keep an eye out for some event dates later this spring with KPeasey to help get the message out.
We will be updating training progress and race updates via facebook, twitter and Kyle's Blog. For more information, please follow:
Twitter: @kpeasey1, @evpease, and @bpeas9
Blog: http://kpeasey.blogspot.com/
Facebook: Walking With KPeasey (This site is not completed, but be on the lookout for updates.)
web: www.kylepease.org
Thanks for all the support along the way and we are really looking forward to some great, fun racing. Additionally, please help spread the word and forward this message around.
Walking With KPeasey Team