The Kyle Pease Foundation

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On the eve of the Charles Harris Race

Hello. I hope everybody had a great week. I am so grateful for each and everyone of you's support throughout this process. We have decided to pick up an extra race to get practicing with our new jogger. We will be participating in the Charles Harris Race for Leukemia. It should be a blast. The jogger is very cool, and I will post a picture in just a few. This will be a great experience for Team Pease as we try to work out the kinks and make sure that I am completely comfortable in the jogger.

Here is our first practice photo with the jogger:

Team Pease wishes everybody a great weekend, and below is another chapter of "What does the KPeasey Bracelet mean to you" from a very good friend of mine, my man, Pauly P. He has been so kind in naming his son after me. So, little K, here's to you!

The K Peasey bracelet means more to me than I could ever put in words. It symbolizes everything that can be accomplished by a human being if they put their minds to it and it also shows the most difficult adversities that life throws at you can be overcome with dedication, persistence, and perseverance. Whenever I need inspiration for myself or others I look at the Blue Bracelet that has been on my wrist since June of 2009. The Blue Bracelet to me represents Kyle Pease and every amazing quality he stands for. Kyle has to deal with hardships on a daily basis that most could not even imagine yet he still lives each day to the fullest and makes the most out if it. We all love you and strive to be the man you have become. You are truly the most inspirational person I have ever met and I am damn proud to wear the K Peasey bracelet on my wrist every day. Keep on keeping on my man.
-Paul McNulty