The Kyle Pease Foundation

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Where do we go from here?

To answer that question we must first understand where we came from. Back in December I got a call from our good friend David Dashiell and he was curious if Kyle might want to try a triathlon. I instantly told him about a conversation after my race in August, but had not gotten very far with the idea. David, who is the founder of Tri-Kids, Inc in Atlanta, told us that he would like to get Tri-Kids to help Kyle get to the starting line of his first triathlon.

TRI-KIDS, INC. is a non-profit organization providing training, equipment and financial support to kids interested in competing in triathlons. The kids are selected from inner-city neighborhoods and typically do not have these resources available otherwise. The program was developed to expose kids to a sport that requires commitment, dedication and discipline while stressing the importance of training as a team and yet competing as an individual and how to apply that concept in their daily lives.

Kyle and I were first introduced to Tri-Kids in 2009 when, as a volunteer swim coach, I suggested that Kyle give the kids a motivational speech. Kyle was just getting started as a motivational speaker at the time and we thought it would be a great opportunity for Kyle as well as for the kids. The group was so moved by Kyle that they all had his initials on their arms as they competed in a triathlon that summer. After the race Kyle remained in contact with the group and continued to speak to them about racing, teamwork and a can do attitude!

Towards the end of 2010, David Dashiell and Tri-Kids realized they could give back to Kyle what he had given to so many of them with his time and effort. A chance to compete in a triathlon of his own! David remembered how Kyle told the kids, "I know you might be afraid of the ocean and I wish I could. I wish I could swim, bike and run for you out there!" From there David helped set the wheels in motion for Kyle and after a late December conversation at a Starbuck's it was settled that Kyle was going to compete at St. Anthony's in May.

As the plan came together time and time again we needed help and every time Tri-Kids and David Dashiell stepped up to the plate. When we needed a boat, David was there. When we needed a bike, David helped bring on another sponsor in Freedom Concepts to help get us our bike. From there it got easier for the Team and we found several more sponsors to help make this dream a reality. Dynamo Multisport, All3Sports, BlueSeventy, Gu, Witzlib Fitness Studio, & AlboPads all were eager to join and follow the example of David and Tri-Kids to help get us across that finish line.

As race day neared the coordination was out of control. How do we get a 50 lb bike to Florida? How do we get the boat and jogger down with just the family van? Didn't matter...Tri-Kids donated their trailer complete with all the sponsor logos for the 7.5 hr trek to FL. Where would we be without all the wonderful support on our journey???

Now as we all sit and enjoy the accomplishment we begin to think of what we can do next? Where do we go from here? What we do know as we look forward to the next adventure, is that without the help of some wonderful friends and sponsors we may still just be talking about races and not doing them. So from Walking With KPeasey thank you to Tri-Kids and all the amazing sponsors who have dedicated time, effort, equipment and their own money to help make this all possible!!!

-Brent, Evan & Kyle
"Walking With KPeasey"