The Kyle Pease Foundation

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Things I Miss About KPF Racing; While BG Goes For a Century

It is hard to believe that our last race was nearly five months ago.  Somehow, it seems easy to believe our next event could be more than five months out.  With so many of our families falling into a higher risk category it could be some time before we can safely set up events for those we serve.  This makes one of the most enjoyable parts of our events even harder, the social interactions.  The laughs we enjoy before a race as Mike tries to remember where he put the keys, the howls we relish as we cut the lock with bolt cutters.  The giggles that flow like water as Kyle & J-dude nod at each other while we all rush around as Bentley Grace holds court with a few of her favorite pushers.  It's those moments before and after a race that sometime feel the most normal. The indelible opportunities where athletes are talking to athletes and nobody is being treated any differently based on where they might sit.  It's the jokes from Kyle as he inquires about the course record, the questions from Ricardo about whether or not it will be a gun start or a bull frog [bull horn].  Whatever it is we long to enjoy those moments again. 

We are doing our best to remain safe and we ask that you please do the same.  While many of you may not get sick or be at risk for the worst of it, we are your community and we all want to be together again.  We want to chase down PR's, miles and loads of smiles.  Think of those around you as you make decisions and know that together we wheel....again.

Speaking of, our own Bentley Grace decided on July 3rd to run to Alabama...yes, the state.  She set out in the wee hours of the morning on July 3rd to experience 100 kilometres of fun.  With a small group, including some of her favorite pushers, she took on her first ultra-challenge.  Guessing by the upcoming bike fit we have scheduled, this might not be the last.  Eric, Chris and Anthony, flanked by family, helped push BG from Atlanta to Alabama.  We have checked and this is the longest anyone from KPF has run before! Make that another record for BG!!! She has an incredible smile and we cannot wait to share the racecourse with her again soon.  When we spoke to BG she said, "The event was hard and rewarding" taking nearly nine hours to complete the 100 km distance run. BG told us "I cannot wait for Boston in 2021!!!." Great work BG!!! BG qualified for Boston 2021 back on March 7th so we are hopeful that due to all the delays, we might have three KPF teams in Boston next year!! Together WE Wheel! 

Kyle and I have still not run together since March 7th, but after talking with family we are going to do a virtual event on July 24th at Columns Drive in Marietta.  We hope a few of you may be able to join (at a safe distance)! What we've missed most is the casual conversations that happen when we are out riding together.  If you really want to get to know someone, spend a few hours on a bike with them. I don't know if we will be able to train or hang like this all summer but for now, we are really excited at a chance to see just how out of shape we have become.

Be safe everyone and remember your community each time you walk out of your door.  We look forward to sharing the road with you all again soon! ~ Brent

Alabama or Bust for BG and her posse!!