Brent Image

After a nearly unfathomable five months away from anything resembling a racecourse, Brent and I dusted off the cobwebs and picked up where we left off last winter. I say it was where we left off  but have to admit we were quite rusty. They say that it is “just like riding a bike” but I don’t think the adage holds true when you’re actually riding a bike. My body was contorted into positions it hasn’t been in months and it is amazing how quickly it forgot how it was supposed to feel. 

Nevertheless it was incredible to get back out there with Brent, doing what we love to do and what we have missed so immensely, hanging with my brother and enjoying the thrill of being out on the course. An added bonus, and perhaps the highlight of the event was seeing some of our KPF team out there to cheer us on. That’s what I miss the most, the comradery and feelings of family is what makes KPF so special. 

Endurance Zone TV

The event was part of the Endurance Zone TV where we competed with The Agars from Michigan and Team Tri Dat out of Oklahoma. Though it was called a competition it was truly more sport than race as we each had a camera on the bike and the chair and we recorded throughout the race. out the race. We each raced in our respective home states and did a run, then a bike and then a run again. It was an opportunity to spread the message of inclusion while raising money for the Challenged Athlete Foundation. As I said, the bike and I didn’t have a great day together as my body struggled and the heat index in Atlanta made it feel like it was 98 degrees. But all in all, it was great to be out there. 

Some of our foundation athletes came out and enjoyed the atmosphere of love and team spirit that we so sorely missed. We were joined on by Cougar Clifford, Justin Knight, Kevin Enners, Lizzie Kirksey and Katie Freesemann. It was really great to see everyone. Just as my body forgot how to react, I also forgot what the foundation means to me and the other people we positively impact. For that afternoon, it felt normal again. We were with everyone; with our family again. These days of dealing with Covid are extremely difficult, but knowing you have a family that loves you and is there to support you is what the foundation is all about. At the end of the day, and at some point, when the pandemic is way behind in the rearview mirror, we will be reminded that the Kyle Pease Foundation is all about love for one another.

Mother like Mine