It would be the toughest race Team Pease would tackle - The Ironman World Championship in Kona, HI. Before each training run, Brent would lace up his Newton Distance running shoes.  Following a rigorous training plan which involved 20 to 28 miles of running per week, one long aerobic run, one short strength run (usually with hills) and two “brick” bike-run workouts.

Through the rollercoaster of their journey that started all those years ago with The Kyle Pease Foundation, there were Newton running shoes to see them through the finish line – and beyond. 

Newton Running Brent and Kyle Pease

Boulder, Colorado-based Newton Running Company has been KPF’s partner since 2012. Wendy Lee, the daughter of CEO Jerry Lee, recalls receiving an introductory email from Kyle and Brent. “I was so impressed with them both ... we had no idea how great of a partnership this would turn out to be.”

Co-founded by Jerry Lee in 2007, Newton Running Company’s shoes were designed to promote gait efficiency for people at all levels of the sport. Lee knows a thing or two about going the distance. He is an Ironman athlete and 15-time marathon finisher. He has maintained a regular running routine for decades and “needs his running shoes to keep up with his grandchild” as well as his real estate development business.

Wendy, who manages Newton’s international partners as well as the company’s social responsibility and human resource components, has been a runner for 25 years. Running keeps her physically and mentally healthy.

The company designs their shoes based on how a person runs naturally, putting technology in the forefoot area. “We take pride in the balance of art and science that goes into our product,” added Wendy. Not only are Newton shoes eco-friendly but they are fashion forward, introducing loud and energetic neons in their spring line and more stealth and conservative colors in their fall line. 

Through KPF and Newton’s partnership, both organizations inspire each other to push the boundaries of what is possible. “The road hasn’t been easy for either of us,” said Wendy, “but it is always worth it. Especially when you get to do it with people like Brent and Kyle.”

Mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton’s Third Law states: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” A perfect analogy describing the positive, impactful partnership between Newton Running Company and KPF, both trying to make a lasting difference. 

Blog written by Kevin Enners