In 2011, we were two brothers full of excitement and energy wanting to help others. Kyle and I sat with our advisors and told them we wanted to call our organization The Kyle Pease Foundation and we wanted to help individuals with disabilities race. Then we got very excited and named all of our social media “Walking with KPeasey” because in our minds that’s what we were doing. We were walking (racing) with KPeasey (Kyle).

Over 100 families and more than 1000 finish lines later, we realized that we were no longer just walking and we had created a brand issue. Who were we? The Kyle Pease Foundation or Walking with KPeasey.

Though the help of an amazing firm, Brown Bag Marketing, our team and many supporters, we have spent the last year digging deep to figure out exactly who we are, what we do and where we are going. In the last 11 years, we have grown and we have helped go beyond the limits of disabilities. And so we confirmed that we are THE Kyle Pease Foundation and we continue Pushing Beyond Limits TOGETHER!