It's awfully hard to be think ahead to spring while skidding around on the black ice that blanketed the city tonight. Of course, it is pail in comparison to our neighbors in the northeast, who are up to their armpits in snow and bundled up due to below zero temperatures. Weather like that makes us love Atlanta so much more than we already do. We hope everyone has remained safe and is ready to lace up and prepare for race season.
I am so proud and honored to call Atlanta home and have the city as a back drop to one of our biggest events as a foundation. It will truly be a remarkable event and will embody the true mission of the Kyle Pease Foundation.
If anyone who has not contacted us to this point, would like to become involved either as a KPF athlete or volunteer, please visit the KPF website and sign up or email KPF Executive Director Brent Pease at For anyone interested in sponsoring a KPF athlete, please donate at our website.
"The Publix race means a lot to us", explains Brent. "We ran with our first athletes here at what seems like so long ago. We are extremely proud and grateful and how far we've come and look forward to another big year!"
And now a word from our sponsor:
The time has come...To order KPeasey cycling and triathlon apparel!!
This wonderful time only comes once a year, so take advantage while this opportunity is available! These Champion System cycling and triathlon kits are some of the best in the business and what better way to support and spread the KPeasey message than to be seen around down in one of these very appealing kits.
To order, click the link below. Time is limited! The ordering period will end on March 8th, so don't delay. The Link below.
*Please note that this kit order does not directly benefit the foundation, we are just providing an opportunity to help share and spread the mission of inclusion.
Below are what the kits will look like. If you have any questions be sure to email or Invoices will be sent out via PayPal once the order has been placed.